About us

Company Limited Honey Bee Hoang Tri

Hoang Tri Honey Bee Co., Ltd is a family company with a tradition of beekeeping and honeycomb since 1996. The company has exported honey to Asia, Korea, Canada, Europe, Japan, US... has gained customers' trust and is the leading brand in Vietnam. Our main honey products are from local Polyflora and Rubber Tree Honey. In recent years, the company has developed the specialty honey flavor by the partner with local beekeepers from different parts of Vietnam to bring in the unique honey taste from special Lychee Flower, Coffee Flower, Rambutan Flower. Company personnel has been trained and certified by FSPCA (Food Safety Preventive Controls Alliance) in accordance with US FDA regulations.
In 2019, we established the Royal Honey USA distribution center located in SeaTac City in Washington.